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运营干货 > 新手入门- > 亚马逊税务计算服务条款一览


亚马逊 2023-12-07 421 0 0

Tax Calculation Services Terms

The following terms apply to the tax calculation services Amazon makes available to Marketplace Professional sellers (including Amazon Wine sellers).
以下条款适用于亚马逊向 Marketplace 专业卖家(包括 Amazon Wine 卖家)提供的税务计算服务。

Registration. You can register for tax calculation services by configuring your calculation settings, agreeing to the sales tax calculation terms, and providing us with the information we request for the jurisdictions where you have configured settings to calculate taxes and other transaction-based charges that Amazon supports. Failure to provide valid documentation upon request, or to cancel tax calculation settings when documentation is not available, may result in the suspension or removal of selling privileges.

Calculation Services. We will calculate sales and use taxes and other transaction-based charges supported by the functionality we make available based on your calculation settings and any related information we request. Other than these, the tax calculation services do not apply to any other taxes.

Tax Calculation Services Fees. If you use the tax calculation services, you will pay us 2.9% of all sales and use taxes and other transaction-based charges we calculate. We will retain these fees in the event of any refund on related transactions.
税务计算服务费。如果您使用税务计算服务,您将向我们支付所有销售税和使用税以及我们计算的其他基于交易的费用的 2.9%。如果相关交易有任何退款,我们将保留这些费用。

Product Tax Codes and Associated Information. We will make available a list of product tax codes and associated product taxability rules. For each of your products, you will provide to us, in the format and manner we require, a reference to one of our product tax codes and any related information we request. If you do not provide a reference to one of our product tax codes for a product, we will not calculate any tax amounts for your transactions for that product.
商品税务代码和相关信息。 我们将提供商品税务代码和相关商品可征税性规则的列表。对于您的每件商品,您将按照我们要求的格式和方式向我们提供我们的商品税务代码之一的参考以及我们要求的任何相关信息。如果您未提供商品的商品税务代码,我们将不会计算您与该商品的交易的任何税额。

Remittance. We will remit to you the amounts we calculate through the tax calculation services according to the schedule on which we remit funds for your Marketplace Professional transactions. You agree to accept the amounts we remit to you as full satisfaction of our obligations in connection with the tax calculation services.
汇款。我们将根据我们为您的 Marketplace Professional 交易汇出资金的时间表,将我们通过税务计算服务计算的金额汇给您。您同意接受我们汇给您的金额,以完全履行我们与税务计算服务相关的义务。

Calculation of Refunds. For products you fulfill, you are responsible for calculating refunds of all taxes and other transaction-based charges calculated through the tax calculation services and you will process them using functionality we make available through your seller account. For products we fulfill, we will calculate and process refunds of all taxes and other transaction-based charges calculated through the tax calculation services.

Tax Exemption. You may be automatically enrolled in the Amazon Tax-Exemption Program. If you continue participation in this program, sales will be treated as tax exempt when purchased by customers who have enrolled and provided us with tax exemption information. Some transactions that are not or cannot be exempted at the time of purchase may be addressed through a post-order refund of taxes charged.

Calculation of Refunds for Exempt Transactions. If you participate in ATEP and receive a customer request for a post-order tax-only refund for a seller-fulfilled order, you must communicate with the customer through buyer/seller messaging to determine the validity of their request. It is your responsibility to obtain, validate, and retain any necessary supporting documentation. If you determine the request is valid, you must process a refund for all taxes and other transaction-based charges calculated through the tax calculation services. If you decide not to grant a tax refund, you must inform the customer and provide your reason.
豁免交易的退款计算。如果您参与 ATEP 计划,并收到买家要求为卖家自配送订单提供订单后仅税费退款的请求,则必须通过买家/卖家消息与买家沟通,以确定其请求的有效性。您有责任获取、验证和保留任何必要的支持文件。如果您确定请求有效,则必须处理通过税务计算服务计算的所有税费和其他基于交易的费用的退款。如果您决定不予退税,您必须通知客户并提供您的原因。

If you participate in ATEP and a customer seeks a post-order, tax-only refund related to an exemption for products fulfilled by Amazon, the tax will be refunded only if we receive supporting documentation that meets our requirements.
如果您参与 ATEP 计划,并且买家寻求与亚马逊配送商品豁免相关的订单后退税,则只有在我们收到符合我们要求的证明文件时,才会退还税款。

Your Responsibilities. You are solely responsible for your use of the tax calculation services, including ATEP. Your responsibilities include:
您的责任。您对使用税务计算服务(包括 ATEP)负全部责任。您的职责包括:

  • Understanding your obligation to calculate tax.
  • Selecting jurisdictions or optional custom rate assignments based on your obligation to calculate tax. If you assign a custom rate to calculate tax, you must in good faith set a rate that accurately reflects a jurisdiction’s actual sales or use tax rate.
  • Providing a valid tax registration number for each state or province where you have enabled calculation service.
  • Reviewing and determining the correct product tax code assignment for your products.
  • Maintaining documentation of all relevant information including documenting and paying all taxes remitted to the appropriate taxing authorities for your transactions.
  • Responding to customer requests for post-order tax-only refund requests, including reviewing supplied information and complying with all applicable laws and regulations related to tax-exempt transactions and tax calculations.

Amazon disclaims all responsibility for your use of the tax calculation services. Except to the extent Amazon makes specific services available to you:

  • (i) Amazon does not calculate or collect any product-based excise taxes or any fees or surcharges;
    (i) 亚马逊不计算或收取任何基于商品的消费税或任何费用或附加费;
  • (ii) Amazon does not provide support for sales or use tax exemptions based upon the identity of any individual, corporation or other entity, or the intended use of a product by any individual, corporation or other entity; and
    (ii) 亚马逊不会根据任何个人、公司或其他实体的身份,或任何个人、公司或其他实体对商品的预期用途,为销售税或使用税豁免提供支持;和
  • (iii) You are solely responsible for any non-U.S. taxes and duties (including their collection and payment).
    (iii) 您对任何非美国税款和关税(包括其征收和支付)。

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